Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Snapdragons at the Mailbox

After getting home from Black Feather Farm, I seem to have a renewed desire for getting things done (so, I suppose, that means lots of pics and posts coming soon). The first thing I did was seasonal and easy: adding fresh flowers to the mailbox.


I’ve tried out yellow snapdragons before (and they’ve thrived in this spot), but these red ones really caught my eye while perusing Lowe’s selection last week. I went a little crazy on their clearance section of perennials as well (more on that in a separate post), but I simply loved these and figured that with all of the money I was saving on the other plants, paying full price for these beauties was well worth it.

Pardon the grass… that’s not something I’m willing to do more than (occasionally) mow at this point. But, you might also be able to spot a few more upgrades to the exterior in the below pic in the form of finished and painted siding and trim!

I guess part of the reason I’m so anxious to get some of the greenery updated around the house is to showcase all of the finished siding repair. It’s looking better than it ever has before, and I really want to get some good photos in before it gets too cold and all of the flowers die off. In fact, if it weren’t for the obnoxious squirrel I have to deal with in my attic this week (UGH), I’d probably already have some more updates on that. There’s a lot of mulching and fussing and primping going on, so I hope the after photos are going to have some serious oomph!

In addition to the snapdragons, I also planted another one of my favorite annuals… Dusty Miller. Their frosty green leaves always seem to add a little sophistication, yet they’re cheap as hell budget-friendly for buying in large quantities and planting practically everywhere. They aren’t supposed to last all winter, but Georgia is still going to have several more warm months before these die out (and if the weather is mild, both they and the snapdragons will continue to bloom all winter with practically zero effort on my part to keep them alive).

More on all of the other plants and updates comin’ at ya shortly. Here’s a sneak peek!

The post Snapdragons at the Mailbox appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.

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