Friday, May 29, 2015

Summer Beauties

It occurred to me today as I was filling up yet another wheelbarrow full of mulch that I have been sharing some other gardening news on Instagram, but haven’t yet shared it on here.

lilac hydrangea

My hydrangeas are back, and they’re basically the prettiest things I own. Even prettier than Charlie, but that’s because she jumped my fence this morning and I’m mad at her, so she looks like trouble to me instead (kind of like when she climbed on my roof).

lilac hydrangeas

All of the pine straw seems to be working its magic on making all of them bluer than last year’s blooms (which I still loved), but I couldn’t be happier. Green ones are my favorite color of hydrangea, but I haven’t tried planting any of those yet. The blue ones still kick ass, though:

blue hydrangea

Also, little known fact: if you post a picture of blue hydrangeas, purple hydrangeas, or pink hydrangeas on Instagram, people will immediately tell you how to make them not that color. Add sulfur! Add egg shells! Add coffee grounds! Add your toenail clippings! Ok, that last one was fake and also gross, but you get the point. It’s kind of like everyone telling you why you’re so sleepy on Thanksgiving, but instead of there being one reason you’re in a food coma, there are six different ways to get there.


I think at this point, I am 110% covered on how to bring out a certain color on hydrangeas, but what I haven’t tried yet is propagating them. I intend to do that next (because who wouldn’t want even more pictures to share of more hydrangeas and get even more advice about how to make them blue?), so I’m still taking advice on that front. Especially after my history of killing anything that grows from a seedling.

blue and white hydrangea

There are other flowers blooming all over my yard, so there is a lot of color going on everywhere.


Ahem… not a lot of weeding going on, though.


But, for this weekend, I think I’ll just stare a little longer at these beauties and remind myself what past work on this backyard as blossomed into; maybe that will get me to finish the beds faster!


P.S. I meant to have the floating shelves play-by-play in the laundry room ready this week, but they wound up needing another coat before I could be done… and I suck at Google Sketchup. So, next week it is.

The post Summer Beauties appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.

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