Tuesday, June 30, 2015

95 Ways to Hide or Decorate Around the TV, Electronics, and Cords

 95 Ways to Decorate Around or Hide-Disguise a Television, Electronics, and Cords @Remodelaholic

How to Decorate Around The TV and Electronics

When it comes to interior decorating, every household has at least one obstacle: electronics. More and more the television, media players, and game consoles are an integral part of most family rooms. But they aren’t really very attractive. So, how do you strike the balance between having the technology available without having it stick out like a design-sore thumb? We have almost 100 ideas to get you inspired!

In this post:
page 1: how to decorate around the TV
page 2: TV gallery wall ideas
page 3: creative ways to hide your television
page 4: tricks for hiding electronics and cords

27 ideas for decorating around the TV! plus gallery walls and other techniques to hide the television @Remodelaholic

Incorporate and Decorate Around the Television

The old saying, “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” often rings true in functional family decorating. Some things just need to be in your house, and some habits (shoe dropping, anyone?) are more easily accommodated by adjusting the system rather than trying to overthrow it completely. The television decor situation is the same — sometimes, it’s just more effective to embrace it and let it be than to try to hide it! (Although we do have ideas for that on page 3, of course 
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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Tips for Creating a Modern Balanced Gallery Wall

When it comes to wall decor, the star right now is gallery walls! There are lots of reasons to say YES to a gallery wall: a whole wall can come together fairly inexpensively, it can be personalized easily, and things can be swapped out regularly without having to re-do the whole wall, so you can add a new piece you really love, a great new printable, or a seasonal favorite to the existing layout.

However, the main reason that I hear about people saying NO to a gallery wall is that it can be intimidating to get started. What sizes/shapes/kind of art should I include? How do I decide on the arrangement? So when Brit sent us her beautiful gallery wall, we asked her to share her process. Read her tips below, and don’t forget to share your wall decor here and subscribe by RSS or email to get updates for every post — there’s so much more to come in #deckthewalls!)

Tips for creating a modern, balanced gallery wall that isn't boring!

Tips for Creating a Modern, Balanced Gallery Wall
by Brit of House Updated

Hi there fellow Remodelaholics! I’m Brit and I blog over at House Updated. That’s where I share my love of white walls, marble, window seats, brass hardware, raw lumber, and power tools. We have at least 285 different projects going on in our house at any given time as we work on blending our traditional-style home with more modern elements. The thrill of finishing each update in our old house is what keeps me going.

Right now we are working on (finally!) finishing up our major kitchen remodel. But we’ve taken breaks from that project along the way and have completed a couple of other spaces, including a new master closet and our dining room.

Tips for Creating a Modern Balanced Gallery Wall by House Updated featured on Remodelaholic

Today I’m super excited to share some tips on how I created one of my favorite elements of our newly finished dining room: the gallery wall.

How to Create a Modern Balanced Gallery Wall by House Updated featured on Remodelaholic

You can see amazing gallery walls all over Pinterest and Instagram and everywhere else, but achieving the right balance of color, interest, and scale is a lot trickier in real life. So I’ve put together a few tips to use when creating your own modern, balanced gallery wall.

How to Create a Balanced Gallery Wall by House Updated featured on Remodelaholic
Tip 1: Pick a color palette.

Gallery walls can go all crazy or immature real fast. One of the best ways to keep a gallery wall looking balanced and polished is by picking a color palette and sticking to it. That doesn’t mean you need all your art one color, but it does mean picking a color or two and having a few primary pieces relate to your color palette.

In my gallery wall, I chose coral and turquoise as my primary colors. Those colors repeat throughout most of the art. Then you can layer in a few other complementary colors (like my yellow/orange) and they don’t throw off the overall color scheme. Your eye sees the main colors you chose but likes a little variety, too.

How to Choose a Color Palette for a Gallery Wall by House Updated featured on Remodelaholic

Tip 2: Tie your color palette into your surrounding accessories.

To further emphasize your color palette, add in accessories in the same colors. I used matching coral lamps and a darker coral vase on our buffet to tie in the coral in the gallery wall.

The pieces don’t need to be the identical shades of the color, but something in the same color family ties everything together looks great. I even carried the colors into the neighboring living room, with coral in my throw pillows and blanket and a turquoise rug.
How to Tie Accessories into a Gallery Wall Color Palette

Tip 3: Use different frame colors.

Let’s not get all matchy with the color scheme. Instead, mix it up by using different frames. I like to incorporate different colors and styles of frames. Some are wood, some white, some thin, and some chunky. A variety of frames keeps things modern and fresh, giving it more of a collected look (even if you created it in a day!).

And again, it is great to tie in your frames by using similar finishes in nearby furniture/accessories. Because we have a white buffet with a natural wood top, I kept my wood frames natural as well and used mostly white frames. This ties the furniture and the frames together, again keeping the whole wall balanced and cohesive.

How to Use Different Frame Colors in a Gallery Wall by House Updated featured on Remodelaholic

Tip 4: Hang your largest piece off center.

I’ve talked about balance (a lot!), and you also want your wall to be balanced with larger and smaller art. Put your largest piece off center and build from there. Mix up the large and small pieces so that the entire wall looks balanced, literally like a scale.

You don’t want one side too heavy with all the large art and the other with too light with small art. Mix up those small and large pieces. And remember, there is no substitute to laying out your frames on the floor before hanging them on the wall, to make sure they are just what you want.

Tips for Arranging Art on a Gallery Wall by House Updated featured on Remodelaholic

Tip 5: White space is your friend.

Maybe it’s because I am a white-paint fan (our walls are Sherwin Williams Extra White), but even if you have colored walls, using the white or negative space between your art helps give the eye a break. You can also keep your wall looking more modern by incorporating matted art. While almost every picture I use has a white border, you can switch it up with some pieces with and without mats to keep it looking more modern.
Tips for Using White Space on a Modern Gallery Wall by House Updated featured on Remodelaholic

Tip 6: Add something fun!

I love adding in something fun to every gallery wall. Whether it is a piece of art you love, a special memory, or just something that makes you smile, gallery walls are a perfect spot to display your personality. In mine I used a California influence, which reminds me of my years living in LA. And my favorite piece might just be the oranges and greenery – it just looks so happy!

Tips for Creating a Balanced Gallery Wall by House Updated featured on Remodelaholic

So those are my top 6 tips for creating your own fresh, modern, and balanced gallery wall (I couldn’t stop at 5).

Really, a gallery wall is such a great way to create a focal point or to amp up the fun factor in any space. You’ve got to try it or, if you have one already, give it an update!


Thanks so much for sharing your tips with us, Brit! 

Visit Brit over at House Updated — you are going to want to tour her house and be sure to stop by her gorgeous bathroom!

House Updated bathroom before and after

Coming up in Deck The Walls:

ombre wood stain that will look great on your walls! :)

DIY Ombre Wood Stain by Bigger Than The Three Of Us for Remodelaholic

The post Tips for Creating a Modern Balanced Gallery Wall appeared first on Remodelaholic.

Free Watercolor Popsicle Printables

We thought we’d start off #DeckTheWalls with a fun and perfectly summery new printable for you! Remember, you can see all the Deck The Walls decor posts here, and be sure to subscribe by RSS or email to get updates for every post.

HI! I’m Sarah from Just The Bees Knees! You may have seen me around here before sharing my love of design through  inspirational mood boards, but today I’m sharing another love of mine with a free watercolor printable! Nothing says summertime like an ice cold popsicle, so I was inspired to paint a few in some fun bright colors, then scanned them in to photoshop and added some fun wording.

Free watercolor popsicle printable - so cute for summer! 4 different designs

And just because I couldn’t decide on just ONE printable, I made four!

Cute popsicles! You're My Favorite Flavor - free watercolor printable for summer

Download  You’re my favorite flavor here!

Cutest summer printable ever! "Just Chill" watercolor popsicles - free to download and print

Download Just Chill here!

Stay Cool watercolor popsicle free printable -- cute for a summer gallery wall!

Download Stay Cool here!

Cute and free printable for your summer decor! Watercolor popsicles plus 3 different phrases

And in case the wording is just not your thing, you can

download Watercolor popsicles here!

My printable has found a new home in my Craft Room , but you can really place it anywhere! It would look great in a gallery wall, or a kitchen too.


Where would you use your printable?!

I hope you enjoy these free printables! You can check out a few more of my watercolors and printables over on my blog.

xoxo Sarah


Ready for more? See all of our free printable art collection here, and we’ve got more coming up, like how to make a large faux watercolor piece for your walls. Make sure you’ve subscribed (RSS or email) so you don’t miss it! 

DIY Large Scale Watercolor Wall Art by Upcycled Treasures for Remodelaholic

The post Free Watercolor Popsicle Printables appeared first on Remodelaholic.

Deck the Walls: Wall Decor Ideas + Link Party

Deck the Walls, wall decor ideas at Remodelaholic

Happy Friday and welcome to what is sure to be one of the BEST weeks of the year: Deck The Walls! In case you’re new around here: a couple of times each year, we pick a theme and round up the best tips, tricks, and tutorials from our favorite bloggers and then share alllll of it in just one week. This time around, we decided to focus on a topic that everyone (even renters!) can use: wall decor! (Previously we’ve done headboards, windows, and doors.)

So starting today, we’ll be sharing 3-4 posts a day for the next week to knock your socks off. We’ve got amazing printables and tutorials from some wonderful bloggers that we know you will love — and we want to see YOUR wall decor projects. Link them up below, or, on social media, tag your best photos with #deckthewalls and #imaremodelaholic for a chance to be featured!

And even if you don’t have a project to share, be sure that you are following us here because we have SO much to share, you won’t want to miss a thing! See all the Deck The Walls posts here, and be sure to subscribe by RSS or email to get updates for every post. 

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Deck The Walls wall decor tutorials and link party at Remodelaholic

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The post Deck the Walls: Wall Decor Ideas + Link Party appeared first on Remodelaholic.