Friday, June 5, 2015

Things You Get a Girl Who Lives on a Farm, Apparently

This year my friends and family were on point with their birthday gifts, especially since, when asked, I could not tell you one thing that I actually need on this farm (other than more hours in the day, and more days before planting season is done, obv.)

If you don’t know by now, this year I bought myself an orchard as my birthday present, but here’s what everyone else came up with…

My mom decided (probably after this post) that what I really needed in life was another way to set things on fire:


When she gave it to me I was like, is this a torch for burning weeds in my garden? And she was like, yeah, or starting bonfires.

I actually don’t disagree with this in theory… In practice, however… let’s just say after the last bonfire I had on the farm–by myself on a friday night–I may or may not have woken up with a lighter under my pillow the next morning.


So. Maybe we’ll stick to torching garden weeds…

Also, a hatchet:


If you’ve been around here a long, long time you know that nine years ago my mom officially earned the title of “my badass hatchet-wielding mother” back when we did this. (And, holy shit that was a long time ago… back when I used to buzz my hair, before I could legitimately operate a tractor, and when installing 60 lf of fence was a big fucking deal. For reference, two summers ago my mom and I installed something like 350 lf of fence around the pasture, so… we’re still fence installation rockstars.) Anyway, Mom said she thought I needed a hatchet for my car… just in case.

She’s probably right about that, actually.

She also found this tiny little toad-house that is perfect for my garden…


AND some really fancy organic cotton sheets…


Because a girl can never have enough line-dried sheets in her life, right?


I also got a lot of chocolate, wine, and fancy beer…



And, because I mentioned I couldn’t find Roma tomato plants anywhere…


A couple of seedlings.

But probably the most oddly appropriate gift came from the friend I’ve known the longest in the world (since I was 3 months old, to be exact.) She started texting me a week before my birthday, telling me that she got me the BEST PRESENT EVER. So I was suitably prepared when I unwrapped this…


YOU GUYS. There is now a selfie stick on the farm. I’m basically a Kardashian…


The donkeys, on the other hand, are not sure whether or not to try and eat this thing…


But, as I informed Doc during this process, they definitely do not know how to properly use the selfie stick.



Donkeys. So not hip.

Chickens, on the other hand…


Totally get it, right Nug?


She’s a pro.

And, just for fun… Orchard Selfie:


And Ready-to-run-if-the-bees-don’t-like-selfies Selfie:


Yeah. Definitely needed one of these on the farm.

I really don’t like to make a big deal out of birthdays, but I feel like it’s important to acknowledge how grateful I am for all the people who thought of me, came out to help on the farm, baked me cakes (there were four of them), came out to spend time with me (even though I was soaking wet and wearing my pajamas around the house all night) and helped me celebrate another trip around the sun. It’s been a good one.

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