Monday, November 9, 2015

Remodelaholic in Review: October 2015

October seemed to come and go in the blink of an eye. The weather here in Utah took a drastic turn last week and suddenly we are waking up to frost and most evenings we need coats, hats and gloves to be outside. It’ll probably flip flop for a while and we will take advantage of the warm days as we get them! We hope that everyone who celebrates Halloween had a wonderful holiday. It was so much fun to talk DIY Halloween decor with you all month long, we can’t wait to start on Thanksgiving. Keep your eye on our site as well as our Facebook and Instagram feeds for some fun ideas to get your home decked out in the Thanksgiving spirit, as well as for some of our favorite DIY home remodels and upgrades!

Love these projects and tutorials!

At Home with Remodelaholic….

While our team has been busy finding perfect colors schemes, awesome DIY projects, and festive fall and holiday decor ideas, I have been busy with our home remodel. We have completed some fun projects, like the bathroom remodel, I shared some photos on what we started with and what we did to begin! I love sharing our home renovations and discussing them with you! I love seeing your home updates and renovations too! Please share away, so we can all enjoy your hard work!

2015-02-25 Cassity's Cell Phone 024
As we moved forward I revealed our new faucets and the finished vanity. If you haven’t read about it yet, I talked about what we looked for in faucets and why we chose one large mirror instead of two smaller ones.

Symmons Faucet Bathroom Remodel (4 of 12)
And one of my favorite parts of the remodel, the pink bathtub makeover! We are all so in love with the final porduct!

Bathroom shower tub refresh by Bath Fitters @remodelaholic (45 of 47)

Aside from the big bathroom remodel, we have stayed busy in other areas of our home as well. One day while browsing the Home Depot I saw a tool organizer and decided to get creative and have some fun with it. In five minutes I had created the funnest and easiest gift wrapping station! It really was so much fun and adds a lot of character to the room.

1 Super Easy DIY Wrapping Paper Center @remodelaholic (5 of 20)

We built our girls’ cottage style bed and playhouse from an IKEA bed and decided to browse some more DIY house-shaped beds for entertainment and inspiration. We love the look of them and found some fun ideas for you, or your kids, to have an awesome house-shaped bed.

Awesome Kids House Beds and House-Shaped Playhouse Ideas @Remodelaholic

We pulled an old ceiling cover-up by painting the old school tile ceilings in our basement since we can’t all the ceilings right away. But I have been dreaming a lot about DIY plank ceilings, I just have to keep telling myself, one step at a time.


While neutral colors are very popular right now, they can be a bit mundane. So we covered a few design rules of navigating neutrals to make sure that your rooms are stunnung!

Navagating a Neutral color palette (1 of 1)

With all of the moving we have done I know that getting the house move-in ready is a daunting task. For that reason I decided to created a list of 5 things I do when I move into a house. It’s a no fail list and will have your house ready in no time!


In addition to the fun that we have been having inside our house, we have been enjoying the weather outdoors as well. We made the most of our outdoor time and went Walnut Golfing, but we probably should have been working on these six easy fall cleaning projects. 
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