Tuesday, July 14, 2015

A Week Without Lists

Otherwise known as VACATION. Right? I have this week “off work” which is a bit of a misnomer when you live in a half-torn-up house on a farm. I’m not off “work” I’m just off my day-job for a week… but you can bet your ass I’m still working.

I’m working on things that really, really needed to get done around here, like a full deep-clean and re-organization of the animal barn and chicken coop…


Nugs are digging it…


And getting the trim painted and ready to be installed on the barn…


And painting the existing “trim”…


My mom has also jumped in and continued the massive organizing streak she started in the garage, and has also tackled the master bedroom/upstairs tool room (why yes, I do currently have an entire 3-car garage, a downstairs bedroom, and an upstairs bedroom all designated for tools.)


Things haven’t been this clean and organized around here for years. Maybe not ever.

I’ve also got–no exaggeration–eleven gallons of various paints and primers (for both indoor and outdoor projects) to keep myself busy over the next few days, regardless of the weather.

BUT, here’s what I don’t have: A list.

I mean, listen, I always have lists… obviously. And those lists always contain more things that one girl can possibly get done in a given period of time (even though I still always believe I will get all of the things done. Without help. It’s weird, I know.) A lot of times that keeps me organized and pushes me to do more, but there’s a fine line between the motivation I get from those lists and creating anxiety that actually makes me less productive.

It’s been a long time since I took time off from my day job and stayed around the farm with no real plan of what I wanted to get done… like… that’s probably never happened, actually.

So, I decided the only rule for this “vacation” is to spend equal amounts of time working on projects that I feel like working on, and just enjoying being on the farm…


I’m taking lessons from the cat on that last one…

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