Thursday, July 23, 2015

Faux Brushed Nickel Modern House Numbers

Give your home some curb appeal with extra large modern house numbers, in a DIY faux brushed nickel finish. Made from inexpensive basic wood shapes!

Hey There Remodelaholics!

I am Corinna and I blog over at A Designer At Home and For My Love Of. If you remember last time I was here, I shared my Punched Metal Ceiling Light and before that I shared my Reverse Ekby Lerberg Shelf Bracket Hack. I’m still loving both of those projects of mine, but now that it’s summer I’m spending a lot more time outside. And spending time outside means I’ve gotten a good look at the exterior of my home and remembered all those things we said we’d do when we moved in.

Like remove the peel and stick house numbers and put up something cooler. 
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  1. Personalise your house sign or House name plaques, with a different popular color, sizes and options, available at One Of A Kind Design UK.
