Friday, July 3, 2015

Renter-Friendly DIY Map Wall Treatment

Maybe it’s just my wanderlust speaking, but I love spaces that remind me of the whole wide and beautiful world that is out there. We’ve shared about wallpapering with maps before, but we’re excited to add Lora’s instructions for a renter-friendly map wall to our awesome Deck The Walls lineup! Welcome back, Lora!

Easy DIY Map Wall -- renter friendly, no nails or holes in the wall

DIY Map Wall — No Nails Required!
by Lora from Craftivity Designs

Thanks so much to Cassity for having us back at Remodelaholic! I’m Lora, from Craftivity Designs, and over the last year I’ve been chipping away at all the {really old and really stubborn} wallpaper in our home. There is still plenty more to do; but we have completed a modern, farmhouse style bathroom, our kiddos’ colorful shared bedroom, and a neutral dining room that is filled with items that are special to our family. This home is really starting to feel like “us” — especially with this recent update in our entry way.

Renter Friendly DIY Map Wall Treatment by Craftivity Designs for Remodelaholic

We love to travel and have an affinity for maps, so this bold wall treatment is the perfect way to welcome someone into our home.

DIY Wall Treatment with No Nails Required by Craftivity Designs for Remodelaholic

My favorite projects are those that are inexpensive and quick; but still make a big impact. This is definitely one of those projects. Plus, if you are a renting — or if you prefer not to commit to such a bold design — this project doesn’t require any nail holes.

Here is what you will need:

  • an old atlas or vintage maps
  • ruler
  • craft knife
  • sticky tac

Using your craft knife and the ruler as a straight edge; cut out the maps.

Old Maps Upcycled into Renter Friendly Wall Art by Craftivity Designs for Remodelaholic

Once you’ve got a stack of maps, start attaching them to the wall using sticky tac.Renter Friendly Map Wall with No Tacks Required by Craftivity Designs for Remodelaholic

I chose sticky tac for several reasons… {1} I could easily move the maps and adjust them as I worked on the wall {2} it’s not permanent and doesn’t damage the walls and {3} it is faster because you don’t need to be exact.

Easy Wall Treatement that is Renter Friendly by Craftivity Designs for Remodelaholic

To hang the maps, I started in the bottom right corner of the wall and then worked up and over. In order to give this wall treatment a casual feel, the maps overlap and aren’t in any type of pattern or grid.

DIY Wall Treatment that is Renter Friendly by Craftivity Designs for Remodelaholic

Also, some of the maps are hung in a portrait direction and other maps are in a landscape direction.Map Wall Art that is Renter Friendly by Craftivity Designs for Remodelaholic As quickly as this project went up, it would come down even faster — which makes it such a great option for renters.

DIY Renter Friendly Map Wall Treatment by Craftivity Designs for Remodelaholic

Maybe you’ve got a wall in your home that could use some color or a bold design? Give maps {or botanical prints… or vintage movie signs…}  a try with this simple project.


Thank you for sharing, Lora! I love quick, easy, and satisfying projects! And this would be great to do with all the maps, blueprints, and other vintage prints in our Printable Art Collection 
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