Friday, October 30, 2015

6 Furniture Makeovers (Friday Features + Link Party)

Happy Friday! Hope it’s been a great week for you — and Happy Halloween! This week we’re featuring some great furniture makeovers — be sure to share yours at the party or send your pics to us over on Facebook so we can show yours off, too!

Great furniture makeovers and upcycles @Remodelaholic

6 Furniture Makeovers

Thirty Eighth Street did a great job on this console! Love the color.

blue console makeover Thirty Eighth Street

Beautiful chalk painted dresser makeover at Mr Wilson and Me

chalk painted dresser makeover Mr Wilson and Me

Create and Babble had a desk — but needed an island. No problemo!

desk into kitchen island Create and Babble

This piece wasn’t really jiving with DIY Passion‘s style, so it got a beachy blue makeover!

Beach Inspired Media Console

Suzy at Simply Vintageous made this rocking chair like new for her grandbaby — way to go, gramma!

before and after rocking chair makeover Simply Vintageous

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The post 6 Furniture Makeovers (Friday Features + Link Party) appeared first on Remodelaholic.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

New House Moving Tips

I feel like the nitty gritty of home ownership gets overlooked round here, because it isn’t a “tutorial”. So, today I am writing about one of the basics of home ownership, how to face a “new” house with moving tips you need before you move in.

Many of us have moved into a new “to us”, (in other words, “old”) house.  Be it a rental, or a purchase, doesn’t matter, but it can be REALLY daunting about what to try and get done before moving in.   So, I wanted to share what we usually do.

Here are 5 things I do when I move into a house, no fail-

moving tips for new homeowners or when moving into a new house

5 Moving Tips; What to do before moving in!

Kill the bugs.  ALL The BUGS!

Wow, I don’t mean to sound psycho, but I don’t like bugs in my house.  I try to keep my girls from hurting bugs outside.  I think (*unless you are a black widow or a hornet or a wasp) you *mostly have a right to live outside in my yard.  (I shudder just thinking about this! Yuck!)  Once you (meaning a bug) get into my house, you have forfeited your right to life.  I just can’t relax in a place with bugs!

Okay, so you understand, I am not a fan of bugs, and if the house has been around for a while, I really like to make sure it is cleaned up before I move in or bring my stuff in.  There is a new product that not only kills bugs, but kills germs too, Hot Shot® Ant and Roach plus Germ Killer.  I love that you can kill the bugs and the germs in one shot.  Follow all the instructions on the can.  Follow the directions, spray doors and window frames, or any existing trails to help get rid of ants.  Also, I would at least spray along the bottom of baseboards, where the floor meets the baseboard, (and bugs like to hide!)  around and beneath appliances in a kitchen, beneath sinks and behind toilets.  The good news is you’ve killed germs and ants or roaches in one shot!

moving into a new house tips by @remodelaholic (6 of 10)

 Clean The Stuff….

Moving into a house is exhausting.  I feel like if you can clean the space BEFORE moving in, you will help yourself feel more comfortable about relaxing in the space.

I am NOT a clean freak guys, but I can tolerate my germs better than other people’s left behind germs.  And sorry but on a new (old) house, I like REALLY disinfecting things.  Remember to truly disinfect, you need to allow cleaning products to sit for 10 minutes and do their job before wiping off.

If doing this yourself is too daunting or maybe it is too scary, consider hiring a service to come and clean.

If the home has carpets, and they are not being replaced, now ts the time to get them cleaned.  Don’t skimp on this one, find the best service out there.  When we moved into our last house there were a couple stains on the carpets.  We got a deal on getting them cleaned, BUT they actually made the stains BIGGER!  I din’t’ realize that could happen, I also didn’t think the stains could come out.  A couple years later, when I paid to have another company I trusted come out, guess what, they removed the stains all together… I wish I had just spent the $30 difference the first time around.

And did you know that some companies offer a tile cleaning service.  Again in our last house, the tile was SO gross I just couldn’t face it.  We had them high power clean it for us and got it squeeky clean.  Worth every penny!

Woman doing chores in bathroom, cleaning tap

Plug in Air Fresheners

Okay so this may just be me, but I really like my home to smell like MY house.  One of the first things I do is buy a set of air fresheners in a scent I really like. Plug them in throughout your house, or you can diffuse essential oils to help the space smell good and like home.  This is probably the easiest thing I do.  So definitely do this!

Set up a Place to Relax

Moving is SO tiring!  So set up a place to sit and relax.  There is NOTHING harder than moving a million boxes or unpacking a million boxes and then having to sit on the floor and not feel comfortable.  Even a few camping chairs helps.

On the day of the move, if at all possible, set up your bed first thing.  Make it nicely with fresh sheets and lots of pillows so you can crash on it at the end of the day and don’t have to make beds after an exhausting day!  (this one takes a bit of forethought when packing up the last house.  So be sure you put some clean sheets aside so that you know where everything is.


Change the Locks

If at all possible, change all the locks right away.  There is nothing like the peace of mind that changing the locks gives.

Let me tell you a personal story… I will be honest, we didn’t do that right away with one of my houses.  Well, about 3 months later some large, gruff, random man knocks on my door and hands me a key to MY house…. What the what?  Apparently the family selling the home, had a little disagreement about who was buying the house, and one sibling didn’t return the key when they were supposed to, and had access to my house for 3 months…

Close up side view female hand inserting key in door

Learn from my mistake people, change the locks, ASAP!  You don’t know what neighbor has a spare key to your house… just change the locks.  Just do it! Yikes!

A few other great ideas…

  • Add organizing systems to closets- now is the time people!  Before packing them full of stuff!
  • Paint- if at all possible!  A clean coat of paint helps you appreciate a new house, without needing to remodel right away… something to consider!
  • Set up utilities ASAP (This is sort of a no brainer! But ya know it is important!)
  • New switch plates on lights, and plugs.  A relatively inexpensive project for a nice clean look!
  • Have the mechanical systems serviced!  Heaters checked for cracks!  Have the ducts vacuumed out!  Change the air filter in your HVAC system, nice clean air quality!
  • Replace batteries on all smoke detectors.
  • Install a Carbon monoxide detector
  • Clean the windows
  • Have the fireplace flew swept!
  • Install blinds if needed!

What great moving tips do you have to share?  I want to hear your tricks and tips!  Tell us in the comments!!

*This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Hot Shot® Insecticides.  All opinions are my own.

The post New House Moving Tips appeared first on Remodelaholic.


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

DIY Upright Utensil Drawer Organizer

Since the beginning of Pinterest (which really wasn’t that long ago, but pre-Pinterest may as well be the age of the dinosaurs, ha!), there have been plenty of ideas that just go wild because they are so smart! One that I have seen over and over again is a utensil drawer organizer, with organizers turned vertically so that you can actually see all the utensils in the drawer. It’s everywhere because it’s brilliant, but typically the pictures are from a home show or builder’s website — and they are high-end upgrades for luxury homes, not found in older homes or the builder-grade homes that most of us live in. But, our brilliant guest today  got the same look, for a fraction of the price — and it’s removable for easy cleaning, or if you decide you want to use the drawer for something else! 
how to turn a deep drawer into an organized utensil drawer, Queen Bee of Honey Dos on @Remodelaholic

Read below for Rachel’s tutorial on building your own upright utensil organizer in a deep drawer, and consider making your kitchen work smarter (not just harder) with these other space-saving “luxury” (on a budget!) ideas:

Ready to make your kitchen completely beautiful and functional and amazing while still staying true to your budget? You’re going to love Rachel’s utensil drawer organizer!

Give your kitchen high-end upgrade by creating your own utensil drawer organizer. It only takes a few minutes and a few supplies to convert a deep drawer!

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How to Build an Upright Utensil Drawer Organizer
by Rachel Lynn from Queen Bee of Honey Dos

Beautiful white kitchen -- and those drawers have amazing utensil and plate organizers!

Hello Remodelaholics! This is Rachel Lynn from over at Queen Bee of Honey Dos, where I blog about all things home and garden. I am so very excited to be able to be with you all today, and to bring you one of my favorite DIY projects.

For those of you who do not yet know me, allow me just a few seconds to better introduce myself. I have an affinity for DIY projects, and the bigger the impact for the lowest budget that I can achieve, the better. I came into blogging after spending a few decades of remodeling and designing my own rooms and projects. I especially love creating furniture, either from scratch, or from old unused pieces that just need some love. (Like this beautiful sideboard)

As you can see from my kitchen, I am a drawer lover. In fact, this entire lower side of my kitchen has all drawers and pull-outs. Today, I am going to show you how I turned one of these deep drawers into a useable utensil storage space. So, let’s get right to it!

Because there are deep drawers on both sides of my cooktop, this is the best place to store all of the cooking utensils. However, I hate shuffling around through drawers, searching for a spatula or a spoon. I needed a solution, and I knew just what I wanted. I had seen something similar to this once during a kitchen showroom tour. I knew then that I would recreate what I saw at some point, and this seemed like as good a time as any. You’ll be surprised at how easy it was!

How to create this deep drawer utensil organizer

how to turn a deep drawer into an organized utensil drawer

This is where the drawer is located in reference to my cooktop. And because I know from experience that some of you want to know the brands for the appliances, I will disclose that information to you now.

Those are Thermador Pro double ovens. The gas cooktop is also by Thermador. It is from their Pro line as well, and has the griddle center.

The cabinets came from Batesville Cabinets in Mississippi. ( I am not affiliated with either company in any way, and disclose this for informational purposes only). The design is my own.

Materials for this project

  • (2) 2X 1/2″ strips cut to cabinet length
  • 1/2″ sanded plywood or MDF cut to length and width for the inside of the drawer. (Leave 1/8″ on each side)
  • Stainless steel utensil holders with lips. (These can easily be found at Amazon or Ebay).
  • 1″ wood screws
  • Jigsaw
  • Drill

Step 1 – Measure

To get the placement for the ledger strips, measure the depth of the utensil holders, subtract the width of the ledger strips and the width of the plywood. For example: My holders are 5″ from the bottom to the lip, my plywood is 1/2″ thick and my ledgers are 1 3/4″ wide. So, 5 – (1/2 + 1 3/4) = 2 3/4. The bottom edge of the ledger strip will rest 2 3/4″ from the bottom of the drawer. Let’s round that off and make it an even 3.”

kitchen utensil drawer organizer diy how to make step 2, Queen Bee of Honey Dos @remodelaholic

Step 2 – Attach ledger strips/supports

To attach the ledger strips, I will use a scrap piece of wood that is 3″ across as a spacer. This will help to keep it in place and level until the screws are inserted.

Step 3 – Attach supports

Next, pre drill a hole at each end of the ledger strip to prevent splitting. Then, insert a 1″ screw into each hole. Repeat the process for the opposite side of the drawer.

kitchen utensil drawer organizer diy how to make step 3, Queen Bee of Honey Dos @remodelaholic

Step 4 – Determine utensil holder placement

Trace the outline of the utensil holders onto the plywood in the layout that is desirable. On mine, I evenly distributed all six stainless steel holders.

 kitchen utensil drawer organizer diy how to make step 4, Queen Bee of Honey Dos @remodelaholic

Step 5 – Cut

Drill a starting hole for each circle and then, use a jigsaw to cut the opening for the holders. When, making the cut stay about 1/4″ on the inside of the traced line so that the edge of the holders have a ledge to rest. Test the holders for fit.

Tip: when using a jigsaw, place the visible side of the wood down so that any splintering will not be seen. 

kitchen utensil drawer organizer diy how to make step 5, Queen Bee of Honey Dos @remodelaholic

kitchen utensil drawer organizer diy how to make step 5a, Queen Bee of Honey Dos @remodelaholic

This is the back side of my wood after all six holes have been cut. As you can see, the holes do not have to be perfect, and thank goodness for that. 
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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Beautiful and Easy Pumpkin Tablescape Ideas for Halloween and Thanksgiving

Halloween is just days away, and we are only a month away from Thanksgiving! Are you putting on a party this year? Pumpkins are one of my favorite ways to decorate because they are so darn easy but also so cute, festive, chic, classy — depending on what you pair them with, you can vary from a spooky Halloween table to a classic Thanksgiving setting. So we put together some of our favorite pumpkin tablescape and decor ideas — for pumpkins real, fake, large, and small!

Pumpkins are one of my favorite ways to decorate because they are so darn easy but also so cute, festive, chic, classy -- depending on what you pair them with, you can vary from a spooky Halloween table to a classic Thanksgiving setting. So we put together some of our favorite beautiful pumpkin tablescape and decor ideas -- for pumpkins real, fake, large, and small!

20 Easy Ways to Decorate Your Table with Pumpkins

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Designer Diann Valentine sent us a couple of ideas, which really got us thinking and looking for even more ideas! :)

“Whether you are hosting a dinner party or a casual gathering for Halloween, creating a fun and creative tablescape should be on the top of your list. Pick up some ceramic pumpkins from any local home décor store or try these available at Pottery Barn. Spray paint them all black and use large clear crystals to add eyes to them after the paint dries. Add mercury glasss candle holders and vases in varying sizes and shapes down the center of the table. Layer in some long strands of pearls draped over and round the pumpkins and mercury glass containers. Add lots of candles for sparks of light and your done. This fabulous tablescape will be a departure from the traditional Halloween but adds some festive sophisticated glamour to your table.”

beautiful filigree ceramic pumpkins from Pottery Barn

pumpkins from Pottery Barn

“To add to your glamorous tablescape, take mini white pumpkins and dip them in a small quart of silver metallic paint. Suspend them over newspaper until they dry then attach your guests name and riddle to each stem. I am a big fan of place cards at any dinner party because I believe that great parties don’t happen by accident and it’s critical that guests are coached into having a great time. I like to give place cards a dual purpose by directing where your guests will sit as well as igniting interesting conversations at your table. Consider adding a clever humorous riddle to each place card and then ask your guests to share before your first course is served. Here is one to get you started: “Why did the skeleton go to the party alone? He didn’t have any body to go with him”!

Ready for more easy pumpkin table ideas? Try these!

Quick and easy — pumpkin candles! Revel Blog uses them as an annual tradition, to decorate for Thanksgiving and thank the host. Love it!

mini gourd candleholders RevelBlog

Or greet your guests at the door with a little ambiance, courtesy of some floating candles in a hollowed out pumpkin (via BHG)

carved pumpkins with floating candles

This white pumpkin vase with orange roses and lilies is 100% GORGEOUS!! Photo by Brad Howe Photography.

beautiful white pumpkin floral centerpiece, Brad Howe Photography

And if you want to make your own, the talented ladies at UCreate have the tutorial for you:

DIY pumpkin vase tutorial UCreate

And this terrarium/cloche by rosannastable over on Instagram is gorgeous and so easy!

pumpkin terrarium under glass cloche by rosannastable

Give this  ever-popular Martha Stewart pumpkin hack a try — hollow out your pumpkin, slip a bowl inside, and fill it with drinks! And don’t forget to use our easy printable drink labels for extra festive points.

pumpkin drink cooler Martha Stewart

As you’re trimming your trees — don’t toss that branch! Turn it into a festive centerpiece, surrounded by mini pumpkins and gourds. By the very talented Jenna Burger.

log candle centerpiece with mini pumpkins JennaBurger

White pumpkins look so stunning on a table! I love how The Graphics Fairy used an urn to add some height to her centerpiece.

pumpkin urn centerpiece TheGraphicsFairy

It’s important to add a variety of textures, too — and how better than a woven pumpkin or two? with some wheat for height! (via Pottery Barn)

thanksgiving tablescape with mercury glass pumpkins and corn husk pumpkins and straw (via Pottery Barn)

woven pumpkins

Pumpkins from Pottery Barn, Joann’s, Pier 1, and Joann’s.

Black and white and silver will always be classic for Halloween! This chic setup is by Urban Comfort, for Family Circle Magazine.

silver and black pumpkins via Family Circle

See more pumpkin tablescape ideas on the next page –>

The post Beautiful and Easy Pumpkin Tablescape Ideas for Halloween and Thanksgiving appeared first on Remodelaholic.