Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Easiest Gift Wrapping Center EVER!

I’ve been thinking about easy projects.  Crazy I know…

While it is fun to rip out a wall, and there are times for that.  There are times where we just want to survive and live in our home without demolishing things… (can you believe this Remodelaholic just said that?!  After our huge remodel, I believe me!)  Instead, I’ve been thinking about organizing.

Super Easy DIY Wrapping Paper Center -- 5 minutes and $20 or less!

So I was at the Home Depot, one of my favorite hangouts… and I saw a tool organizer for your wall and I thought, you could do so many things with that, why not a gift wrapping center.  I had to try it out.  And this might just be the easiest DIY project you’ve ever done if you try it.

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clamp for wall

How to Make an Easy Gift Wrapping Center


I told you this project was going to be easy!

To begin, decide on a spot to hang your clamp organizer.  Mine happen to line up perfectly with studs, so I didn’t need anchors.  If you need anchors, the clamp comes with 2 screws and 2 anchors.  I even made a fun little video to show you how easy it is!  The work mostly comes just from collecting your supplies into one cute location.

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If you wanted, you could absolutely spray paint the organizer to be a different color, but I truly wanted this to be the easiest project you’ve done.  Open a box, hang it and put your stuff away.


Here are some quick shots of the room:

A little before and after:

1 Super Easy DIY Wrapping Paper Center @remodelaholic (5 of 20)

The desk has been my mom’s sewing desk for most of my life (and it was part of my aunt’s childhood bedroom) and the chair — my sister found it on the side of the road and thought of me!

Super Easy DIY Wrapping Paper Center @remodelaholic (15 of 20)

Why not let your cute gift tags be on display.  I took a small memo board and pinned a couple pushpins in to hold a couple gift tags — print some free ones below, pick up some pretty gold ones like these or some wood slice ones like mine here (which I love so much I may never use them 
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