Thursday, October 1, 2015

Life on the Farm

So, before you skip ahead and watch this video without any context (you’re going to anyway, aren’t you? Yeah, fuck it, I would too…) Well, if you’re not the skipping-ahead-type, I’d like to say a thing first: It wasn’t an easy decision to let a production company come out to the farm and set up a shoot that involved some of my current projects and a lot of my actual real life (and a lot of my real life family and friends too.) Maybe there are a lot of people who would do that just for a chance to be on TV? I don’t know. But I do know that telling an authentic story is a big part of my life, so handing the reigns over to “other people” wasn’t easy, but Joyce and Roberto from Fog Edge Media are fucking fantastic.

I loved having them here, and they were amazing about putting up with my “you know I kind of hate being around other humans when I’m working” tendencies. And I also gained a ton of appreciation for what they do…

KIT_WEB from kitliz on Vimeo.

Just for reference, that half-second shot where I crossed something off my chalkboard list? That took at least 30 minutes to set up, and there were twenty of my closest friends and family hiding just out of the range of the camera… just knowing they were all there trying to be super quiet makes it one of my favorite shots of the reel.


And I also love this part where my house looks like it should be something in a Pottery Barn catalog  (that’s this room, if you want to see my take on it) …


I mean, it’s really a hot mess, but this is how I see it in my head, so I don’t mind if it actually turns up that way on camera.

But other than the fact that they captured the most photographically beautiful parts of life on the farm, they also actually cared about getting the story right. And I know that this video is a lot of me talking about me… but in between all that, I think you get a real glimpse of life on the farm. Of why it’s not a burden to me to be here, to take care of the animals, and to do what I do. I’m amazed, and excited, and feel completely blessed to be here every day, no matter what it requires of me.

I’m so grateful to Fog Edge for showing that.

And I’m also grateful to all the friends and family who are in this shot for pretending to use spoons to eat pasta with when we ran out of forks mid-shoot…


Clearly we’re professionals around here.

And if nothing else comes from this I’m so grateful to be able to share this little glimpse of life on the farm with everyone… it’s not easy or perfect, but it is quite wonderful even on the hardest days.

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